Our Services

Spa Center

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Our Services
juggling daisies

Spa Center

Take a peek at our calendar or scroll down to our main events. There is so much fun waiting for you at your fingertips.

juggling daisies

Fall Water Color Landscape

Sweater weather is the best. The trees show us their true colors. Let’s capture that together.

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Intro to Art Journaling

Journaling can be one of the most healing things we can do. Sometimes it’s hard to find the right words to match our emotions. Let’s turn up the volume and add some color.

juggling daisies

Water Color Basics Part 1

Watercolor is such an amazing and limitless medium. It’s perfect for all skill levels. I will have three separate classes to teach different basic techniques and brush strokes.

juggling daisies

Paint a Plant Pot

House plants cheer up any space and make great gifts. Even better when they are personalized by you.

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Holiday Greeting Card Set

Create a set of four different watercolor card designs. Imagine the most unique and personalized greeting card in the mail. Friends could even frame them.
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Water Color Basics Part 2

Do you think watercolors are just for pastel soft creations? Think again. Learning to layer will surprise you just how bold they can get.
Have a Look at Our

Massage therapy center

Your life deserves a little color, book your experience today.

Stone Therapy

Pop in! No Appointment needed. Explore your creativity with quick art projects. Perfect for inspiration or a creative break. Options range from small abstract paintings, mini sculptures, or other make-and-take projects. Limited space, 1-3 people at a time.

Starting From $20

Luxury Spa

Guided self-reflection encourages you to express your thoughts, emotions, and ideas visually through art. A mindful practice captured in a journal. We will use a mix of collage, pen and ink, and other mediums to add more than words to your thoughts and feelings.

Starting From $35

Stone Therapy

Maybe you are curious, but get shy in groups. One on one classes are tailored to your skill level, interests, and goals, ensuring optimal learning and growth. Modern art utilizing your home interior colors, water color notecards, or recreating one of your favorite photos. Together we can do just about anything

Starting From $75

Luxury Spa

You want to create but find it hard to dedicate time to do so. Booking studio time will help you achieve your goals. You bring in your own supplies, and we provide you with a space to practice your skills. Sometimes all you need is the right vibe to achieve your creative goals.

Starting From $25
Special Offer

15% Off for New Visitors

Maecenas exercitationem nonummy. Urna, posuere provident? Sociis voluptatibus, ridiculus maecenas minima ipsa laboris bibendum.

What Are You Waiting For...
make an appointment juggling daisies

Make An Appointment

It will be fun. We will find a creative bone in your body. You’ve got this.

Our location

5162 Broadway, San Antonio, TX 78209

Opening Hours

Tue: 10am-6pm
Wed: 10am-6pm
Thu: Noon-8pm
Fri: 10am-6pm
Sat: 10am-8pm
Sun- Mon: Closed


Phone: +1 123-456-7890
Email: info@jugglingdaisies.com

juggling daisies

Always know about our next class!